Friday, November 2, 2012

Things you can do to become a better muslimah

Rumaysah Ali’s CORNER
Salam Alaykum, Yaaay I actually tried to come up with a list of what we can do to become better and wonderful muslimah’s, May Allah make it easy for every one of us Ameen.

Things you can do to become a better muslimah
v Pray in the night even if it’s for five minutes
v Be steadfast in the deen
v Be neighborly, show the beauty of Islam
v Set a spiritual target-what is your plan
v Establish your good deeds per day and try to improve
v Be in an Islamic group for Allah sake
v Do everything for the sake of Allah
v Live as if that moment is your last
v Imagine hell fire (audhubillah)
v Do not keep malice
v Avoid backbiting(we do that a lot lol)
v Any position we are we should be grateful to Allah(say Alhamdulillah)

I would be coming up with more list inshaa Allah, may Allah make it easy. Ameen. Love you sisters loadzz for Allah sake. 

Jumah Mubarak.xx

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If what is happening now in America and the rest of the world, had happened in the sixties, we would have protests like you have never seen before.
But in 2012, people can name every player on the football team, but they can’ttell you how badly they are being taken advantage of and by whom.

They know what Gaga and Minaj is doing, but they don’t know what the government is doing. Everyone is on Facebook and my space and your space and their space and twitter and tweeter, Great! Fantastic!
But anybody paying attention!.......Lionel Richie

Monday, October 29, 2012


A lot of what is important to some of us right now is surface stuff, like putting on the right and trendy clothes, hanging out with certain people, having a blackberry phone or IPhone5, putting on designer clothes and so many other irrelevant stuffs.

Pardon my expression, but there is a lot more to life, than all this things. Seriously :)

Monday, October 22, 2012


“When you are in Rome, behave like the Romans”.

This philosophy is alien to Islam as exemplified by our beloved prophet Muhammad (SAW). When you are in Rome, you either transform the Romans to the ways of the Muslims or you manage to get out of Rome, so that you behave like a Muslim.

It’s not negotiable, make sincere intentions the bedrock of your actions……….

Salaam Alaykum.xx